Saturday, November 10, 2007

Its been a while

I haven't posted in almost three months now for a couple of reasons. First I have been a little strapped for time. Also, I really didn't want to bore people with constant updates about Willow- or turn this into one big bragging session. So I avoided blogging altogether. But I'd like to re-introduce myself to this whole thing but whith an expanded focus. I will still post pictures of Willow and talk about her since she is such a huge part of my life. But I also want to share some thoughts about topics that I am passionate about: like faith, music, social justice (although I am starting to cringe when I hear the term), the mets, books, or any combination of these.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

I'm so glad I finally checked your blog. I'm happy w/your decision ... except for the Mets. Sports? Yuck!