Sunday, August 12, 2007

A Message from Willow

It has been a little while since I posted anything. I guess I've been a little busy. Anyway, in the spirit of my friend Todd's blog, in which he wrote a series of letters to his son while in Guatemala adopting him, I give you a message from our daughter. She wrote every word, I promise.

Hello everyone. I just wanted to take a minute from my busy schedule to say a few words. First of all, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Ok, I'm glad I was able to get that off my chest. That has really been on my heart for a while now. So things out here aren't so bad after all. I didn't really know what to expect after living without gravity through my entire in utero experience, but gravity's cool. It's kind of weird though because I can really take advantage of all the open space and stretch out- it was a little cramped in there. I like my Boppy pillow. Its fun to lay there and just look around, throw a few punches and kicks every now and then to entertain the parents. But I'm just trying to use my time to get to know my surroundings. I discovered shadows the other day- they're pretty neat. And a lot of people have come to see me, which has been really fun. Its really too bad I won't remember any of this, because all of this attention would really help my self-esteem when I come to be an adolescent. Except the part about everyone saying over and over that I am so big. I'm glad I won't remember that at age 14. Anyway, since I love pretty much everyone at this point, if you are reading this blog, I can say with confidence that I love you and hope to see you soon. Love, Willow

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Willow, I love you too!!!

I am so glad your parents let you blog as your website was getting very boring. I just now realized that you had a post as I almost gave up checking.

And honey, big is beautiful. Or haven't you heard? : - ) Seriously though, I think the nice plump babies get all the kisses.... or they sure will from me!!!