Monday, July 23, 2007

Beth is getting an ultrasound today to measure the amount of amniotic fluid. She will then proceed to the birth center to have another non-stress test. They will then break her bag of waters to try and stimulate labor. She took a 1/2 cup of castor oil this morning so we'll see. All I have to say is if she doesn't give birth today, I'm going to start to wonder if there is really a baby in there.


Emma said...

Just a reminder of the nursey rhyme:Mondays child is fair of face, so maybe Willow was just waiting.... good luck!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry Mark, I suspect that there is a real baby in there and she is just reluctant to come out. Think about it. Wouldn't you be reluctant. I mean, it's all warm and comfortable in there and then she is going to come out into the cold. You may have to convince her

Loke said...

I agree with Kevin S. Beth's womb is just too comfortable. Willow knows she has it made it there!! <3

Anonymous said...

Beth babe your a champ! continue to hang in there i wish i could see you both to give you the biggest hugs in the world. We love you all! psalm18:19 he rescued me because he delighted in me.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody have any news? It sure has been a long time since the last update . . .

Elizabeth said...

hey, me managed to get online via the wii is willow here

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.