Friday, July 20, 2007

Back from the birth center... so here are the intimate details about my wife's cervix: she is 3 centimeters dialated, 100% effaced ("ripe"), and the baby is at a +1 station, meaning she's moving into the birth canal. She had a non-stress test, and the midwife said the results were a textbook example of how they should look. A non stress test measures the heart rate over thirty minutes with the intention of comparing it to the baby's movements. If the heart rate goes up after a movement, everything is great; if it goes down, something may be wrong because the baby has to use so much energy to move that its heart rate suffers afterward. She will have another NST on Monday if the baby isn't born.

With any luck, she'll be born this weekend. We are kind of hoping for Sunday now because the midwife Beth really likes is on call. She really likes all of them, but this one she really, really likes. So I am going back to work today. If the baby isn't born by Monday, she will have another NST, but she will also have an ultrasound to measure the amount of amniotic fluid. If she doesn't go into labor by Wednesday, she will go to the hospital and start pitocin on Thursday morning.

Meanwhile, Beth is still having contractions, but less frequently.


Anonymous said...

Wow this is amazing. Thanks for doing this Mark and Beth, I may just get a laptop and wireless internet so I can do this when Jamie gets pregnant again. Not for a little while though... Maybe you guys should go on a rollercoaster or somthing? Maybe a tag football game will help? Anyways, Godbless - Ill be watching!!

Elizabeth said...

Thank you for the "intimate details". I feel more aquainted with Beth's cervix now.

I had so many NST I lost count. I used it as nap time since it would be over half an hour of peace and quiet (sometimes they would serve me a beverage beforehand). They also would forget about me and so a couple times it went over half an hour.

Even if come next week and Beth is for some reason induced... that sucker is gonna come a flying outta there... put on your catchers mit! How much more ready could her body get?

Unknown said...'s so fun to be a part of this! Thanks for sharing the info with us! We're so excited for you guys and we'll be praying for you today and however much longer until Willow has finally entered the world - hopefully not very much longer :o)